
About Angela

The origin of Angela is Latin and its background is Christian. It is derived from the Greek word ángelos (αγγελος), meaning "messenger of God" or "heavenly messenger".

They say that a name and its meaning can influence and shape your life.
For Angela, it was only the start of an amazing journey.

 I'm just a 'Regular Joe' with the most amazing job – I get to work with Spirit!

Angela remembers relating to the world on an intuitive level from as early as age four. She was the one who just “knew things” about people or situations around her. What she didn’t comprehend at the time was that most others interacted with the world in a very different manner. Aside from some '( mis?) adventures' that were not a common part of most people's daily experience, Angela lived a fairly 'regular Joe' life.

This included becoming a home owner at age 17, an early marriage at 19,  one beautiful daughter at 25, and on to becoming a single parent 4 years later. As she raised her daughter, Angela also climbed the ladder of experience to become a manager for a large corporate establishment – all the while keeping her true abilities quietly under the radar as much as possible.

After a few more adventures and challenges, she changed her course again to become a co-owner in business with her supportive, longtime partner of today.  Still hearing a calling that she didn't accept easily, but also recognizing the draw to work with others, she began integrating a Reiki practice into her life – including becoming a Reiki Master.  Soon, she had clients coming to see her for the messages and insights that she could provide of such depth and breathe – way beyond the work of hands on energy healing – that she had no choice but to heed what she had always known. 

Her life’s journey has thus been one of ongoing discovery, some steep learning curves, and many experiences that have been nothing short of amazing. A great deal of time was spent on self- work, acceptance and integration in learning to work with Spirit in a relatable and real way. Her work, today, as a Psychic Intuitive Medium – sharing her insights and connection with Spirit in a refreshingly grounded, no nonsense, down to earth manner – is a direct result of that journey. 

Beyond the deeply rewarding work she does through private and group readings, workshops, courses, public speaking, fundraisers, and life coaching/couple's sessions, Angela’s connection with Spirit has benefited others in numerous ways. Her work with the FIND ME Group is one example. Based out of Phoenix, Arizona, this not-for-profit organization of Psychic, Investigative, and Canine Search & Rescue volunteers works together in locating missing persons and solving homicides internationally. As a proud member and one of approximately 100 vetted Psychics worldwide relied upon by FIND ME, Angela supports law enforcement and families by creating opportunities for closure in what are obviously very difficult situations.

Angela’s work is available to others worldwide, creating space for Spirit to flow freely, and reminding people that life is about much more than the purely physical. Her ability to draw forth and interpret those personal messages from Spirit in response to your questions, offers you tools and direction to better navigate your journey.  

Whether it is concerning life issues and challenges, be they past, present or future, or to identify and unlock your authentic heart energy, Spirit offers insights in order for you to more fully embrace the experience the life you have come here to live. Bring your best self forward with insights into your path- with Spirit!

She invites you to take this journey – together.