
What does working with Angela offer?

Everyone travels a uniquely personal path while they are here. Heart Energy. Connectedness. These aspects vary greatly among the billions of souls on this earth, as each of us play a particular role during this lifetime of learning– and, in many cases, teaching. While numerous opportunities for growth can present themselves in our lives, every message from Spirit has a specific time and place. Angela cannot – and will not – force something that isn't ready to come forward. Nor will Spirit permit it. Intuitive sessions often plumb the many and varied depths of what life entails. The insights and messages brought forth are always for your greatest good, though at times- they are not for the faint of heart.

Spirit continuously presents messages and opportunities, although it is often challenging for many to hear them. Working with Angela- for the first time- or as a Journey's member, affords you the chance to not only receive messages from this intangible realm, but also to learn to hear and recognize them yourself, directly. Readings often have what Angela calls 'Homework' – relatable and real tools and directions from Spirit- for you to invite into your life. Through this, you will acquire clarity and direction by learning to connect with your heart's truth and desires, leading to a more empowered and authentic you!

You get to choose what questions to ask Spirit!

With Angela, you will experience insights that Spirit has been preparing especially for you.

For companion animal readings - or people sessions - Nancy says it so well ... I just had to share.

Being a translator for animals and their human companions is a sacred trust. It is holy work. It is a calling, not a job. It requires the deepest commitment to personal and spiritual growth, ethics, integrity, and honesty, and sometimes ruthless self-awareness of our human limitations. It’s not easy.

~ Nancy Windheart ~

When you can't see the forest for the trees ...

... know that you do not have to be alone on your journey.